December 07, 2005

[My Story.] Coffee and Sudoku.

So, Blogger thinks I'm a bot. So my automatic posts from this blog to my main blog aren't working automatically. Go figure. I'M NOT A BOT, GUYS!

I went out for coffee at the usual place. I go in there and just get coffee, and occassional some pie, depends on my mood. But, I sit in there for a handful of hours doing Sudoku. I love Sudoku. If you've never played it, or have no idea what it is, WebSudoku has an online free version. Try it, at least. It's highly addictive. :)

One of the waitresses at the place saw me and said, "You're in early." to which I replied, "Am I? Do you want me to leave and come back in a couple hours?" LOL. I love the people there. It's nice to just get out and forget about everything for a little bit.

I tried this online game, BlogShares. It's a fantasy stock game type thing. I've read the rules a few times and I still don't understand it. I had someone message me on BlogShares, they gave me some shares in their blog, or something, I'm really not sure what happened but they gave me something. LOL. They asked for shares in my blog, or a link on my blog to theirs. I told them, I have no idea what I'm doing so could I just give you all my money/chips? I don't know if that would be "Illegal" (Game rules) or what. Hopefully they'll reply soon, and I can be done of BlogShare.

I'm a bit irked about Blogger thinking I'm a bot. I've only contacted them about my main blog. But, all the blogs I have now, the "Categories", are also considered spam bots, as well. So, I'm thinking of eMailing them and telling them to fix it! :(

Ah, well. It's not the worst that could happen. And, hopefully soon, it will be fixed. Until then, my friends, I'll just have to manually do everything. No biggie.

Posted by IdentityMIA to My Story. at 12/07/2005 05:40:00 PM

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