January 22, 2006

[Off Topic.] I'm losing my mind.

I got a letter yesterday from my dad's mother.
Was on the phone a little bit ago with your Father. Right now I am very upset with you. How could you give Censored away? At least you could have let the family no first. I would have taken him. You have no idea what your going to go though in years from now. I hope every little boy you see reminds you that you had a wonderful little Son. I wish you no luck and pray that you will never be able to have another child again. I loved you so much and as far as I was conceded the world was wonderful the day you where born. I am so disappointed in you, if you didn't want the baby why didn't you have an abortion and never had him? I would have thought more of you then what you did. Do you have any idea how your Dad feels or anybody else like me or don't you care? I only hope and pray that Censored is better off with out a Mother like you. I have no words that can say what I really feel about what you did. I told your Dad when I first heard you where going to have a baby, I said don't let her have it she is to young, but he said you would be a good Mother, BOY was he wrong about you. I only hope he disowns you. But being a good Father he won't.
Knowing the source of the letter, I'm not heeding a word of it, but it still hurts.

I was driving home a moment ago, I guess I only turned on my parking lights, and was driving along when I saw a cop parked on the side of the road. I turned on my left turn signal to get on the road that takes me to my house when he turned on his lights. I knew he was coming after me but I didn't know why.

I rolled down my window, turned off my engine, and threw my keys on the dash. "The reason I stopped you is because you didn't have your lights turned on." "Okay." "May I see your license?" "I'd have to reach into the back and grab my jacket. Is that okay?" "Sure." "I'm going to take my seatbelt off to reach back." "Okay."

I treat officers as if I were in prison and had to ask for permission to do anything. I don't want to spook them by reaching somewhere and have them shoot me, so I let them know every little thing I'm going to do.

I show him my license. He asks for my registration. I say that I would have to get into the glove box. "Would you like my insurance as well?" "Everything looks in order here so no. Just make sure you have your lights on, okay?" "Yes. Thank you." "Have a good night." "You too."

Phew. I don't need a ticket right now.

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/22/2006 05:13:00 PM

January 21, 2006

[Off Topic.] RH Factor.

My blood type is O-. This makes me a universal donor. Anyone can take my blood.

The negative (-) is my RH factor. RH factor is a protein in red blood cells and can cause antigenic reactions. A reaction only occurs when a + and - get together.

When a mother is - and a father is +, the baby has a chance of being +, opposite of the mother's RH factor. If the baby's blood gets in the mother's system, the mother's body can produce antibodies and reject the baby, essentially attacking it.

Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg) can be injected to the mother to prevent her body from reacting to RH+. Also, a blood transfusion can be done early in the pregnancy to switch the baby's blood type.

My brother's girlfriend is RH-, their child is RH+.

Read about RH factor and pregnancies Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/21/2006 10:27:00 AM

January 14, 2006

[Off Topic.] Tire Fairy.

My grandfather inflated my tire yesterday. I went in today and the tire was still inflated and at the same PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) as when he filled it. Odd. I joked about a tire fairy coming up late at night while everyone was asleep and patching my tire. We put it on and did a few errands to test it, it was fine. But, there's a bulge in my tire which my grandfather was worried about. So, while examining it, and deflating the tire a little because he over-inflated it, I heard a bubbling noise. I looked, soapy water was still on my tire from him checking it and it was bubbling over. Yes, there's still a leak. Apparently from the over-inflation, it sealed the leak temporarily. I don't know. I have to get a new tire and a new oil sender either tomorrow or Monday. I'm not sure if anything's open on Sundays.

I've got to compare prices for a train ride and Greyhound to figure out how exactly I am getting the hell out of here. I've given up on my car. I don't feel safe in taking it across country. B told me to take a train to a city near him and let him pick me up. I like the idea but, I don't want to burden him. It'd be really nice, though. I'm still juggling that idea.

We'll see what the prices are before I make a final decision. Plus, I get motion sickness so I'm not sure I want to spend as long as I will on a Greyhound. It'd be nice if I had a credit card and could get a rental. You can't believe how tight rentals are. You have to be over 18, that's fine. You have to have a credit card which, I'm not sane with credit cards. LOL. And, the person the credit card is under is the only allowed driver, so I can't get someone else to pay for it and let me take it.

I *Need* out of this state, no matter what it takes.

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/14/2006 06:31:00 PM

January 12, 2006

[My Story.] Listen All Y'all It's A Sabotage.

Erg! It's been a hectic day.

Start off with waking up with a migraine. I intended to wake up at 9-10am. Did I? Of course not. So, after taking some acetaminophen (Tylenol), hitting the snooze a few times, and sleeping in until 3pm, I eventually dragged my lazy butt out of bed.

I'm driving around, hear a loud thumping noise coming from my car. Uh-oh. Pull over, jump out of the car, and look. Flat tire. :(

Put on the donut tire (One of those thin spare tires), drive to a service center to see if they could fix my regular tire. $13.00. No problem you'd think, but you'd be wrong. They couldn't fix the tire because the hole was right by the wall, or something stupid like that.

So now, my grandfather has my tire, because he intends on fixing it tomorrow for me, and I'm driving around on a donut for the time being.

While looking at the tire, the guy at the service center asked if I had run over a knife. I paused. "What?" "It looks like a knife went through your tire." I paused again. "Can you do that? Run over a knife and have it puncture your tire?" "No." "What?" "No, you can't." "So, someone sabotaged my tire?" "Possibly. I don't know. You could've just ran over some glass." I paused once more.

Yes, now I'm worried that someone's sabotaging my car.

Posted by IdentityMIA to My Story. at 1/12/2006 09:45:00 PM

[In The News.] Create an e-annoyance, go to jail.

Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.

It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.

In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small favors, I guess.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/10/2006 06:59:00 PM

[In The News.] Suits Against Anti-Cult Blogger Provide Test for Online Speech.

Lawsuits are occupational hazards for anti-cult blogger Rick Ross.

Sued a half-dozen times during the past decade for his public pronouncements, especially on the Internet, he's managed to win all but one case, with the help of pro bono counsel. His latest close call came in December when Landmark Education, a promoter of self-help seminars, withdrew with prejudice its federal suit in Newark alleging defamation.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/10/2006 07:40:00 PM

[In The News.] Internet puts privacy on line.

Sony-BMG Music Entertainment surreptitiously places software on consumers' computers. Microsoft closes down a personal blog in China over concerns about potential lost revenue. Other firms trade in people's supposedly private information.

These may look like unconnected events, but each is an example of how private companies are increasingly using technology to intrude upon our lives.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/10/2006 07:36:00 PM

January 11, 2006

[Off Topic.] Blogitis.

Well, I know I'm not very good at this whole keeping the blog updated regularly thing, as I'm sure all of you are well aware of. My excuse -- Nothing's going on with the whole stalking/harassing/privacy stuff, so I have nothing to write about. I hate going off-topic. Plus, I've been trying to keep my *Real* (Everything not involved with stalking/harassment/privacy) life separate from this blog. Nonetheless, I figure I can throw a bone here and there when content is slacking.

I've been sick a lot lately, more than my fair share of "Itises". I'm so sick of hearing the doctor say a word that ends with that. I had bronchitis and tonsillitis a little bit ago. And now, now I have gastritis. Fantastic. Something about Helicobacter Pylori and "Possible peptic ulcer" and some other medical jargon that I've learned to ignore until I get home and online.

I have an appointment for an upper GI next week. Let me tell you, I am not looking forward to it. I've had one when I was younger. Oy.

On a better, non-health related note, and as non-mushy as I can get here, I've got two amazing people in my life. I don't know what I'd do without either of them.

L, who I've mentioned briefly before, has been my best friend for a couple of years. She's been my objective conscious through everything when I felt I was losing my mind. She's always been there when I needed a good, hard swift kick to the head. :)

B has drastically changed my opinion on men, and has given me new hope on humanity, on love, on everything. I can't believe I've found an honest-to-good *Real* man, as opposed to every other psycho I've met before him. He means so much to me, and I'm still in shock he's wiggled his way into my heart so quick. :)

What is it people blog about when they're trying to hide who they are? Not that I'm hiding who I am here. Just, I'd rather not make this too personal. I just feel stupid when I go into a banter while trying to omit details so I (IdentityMIA) can't be connected to who I really am.

I'm grateful things are slow, and I have no real content to post.

My advice -- Even though the net is a horribly dreadful thing that everyone should abandon, every once in awhile you meet one person that makes all the pain worth it. Don't quite throw your computer out the window just yet. ;)

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/11/2006 03:30:00 AM

January 10, 2006

[In The News.] New Law Prohibits Anonymous Cyberstalking.

A tiny provision of a Department of Justice appropriations bill may end up becoming a major battleground over First Amendment rights on the Internet.

The provision, designed to prevent anonymous harassment and stalking via e-mail or the Web, is so broadly worded that many fear it could chill other forms of speech.

The "Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act" for fiscal year 2006 contains one section entitled "Preventing Cyberstalking." Under the new law, the rules passed in the Communications Decency Act (CDA) to prevent harassment by telephone were extended to Internet communications as well.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/10/2006 07:06:00 PM

January 06, 2006

[In The News.] Chat Room Chatter Draws Lawsuit.

Do the courts have jurisdiction over what people say in Internet chat rooms?

That question is being played out in what some lawyers claim is a first-of-its-kind lawsuit in Ohio, where a man claims he was humiliated online in an Internet chat room, and has filed a lawsuit over the incident.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/06/2006 09:15:00 PM

[In The News.] Computer chips get under skin of enthusiasts.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Forgetting computer passwords is an everyday source of frustration, but a solution may literally be at hand -- in the form of computer chip implants.

With a wave of his hand, Amal Graafstra, a 29-year-old entrepreneur based in Vancouver, Canada, opens his front door. With another, he logs onto his computer.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/06/2006 09:16:00 PM

[In The News.] Your phone records are for sale.

The Chicago Police Department is warning officers their cell phone records are available to anyone -- for a price. Dozens of online services are selling lists of cell phone calls, raising security concerns among law enforcement and privacy experts.

Criminals can use such records to expose a government informant who regularly calls a law enforcement official.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/06/2006 09:14:00 PM

[In The News.] Changeable Fingerprint.

Your fingerprints are yours and yours alone, and that makes them a useful tool for confirming the identity of people doing things like conducting secure banking transactions or passing through corporate security checkpoints.

Trouble is, it's theoretically possible for a hacker to break into the software of, say, an employer, steal a copy of your stored fingerprint, and later use it to gain entrance.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/06/2006 09:12:00 PM

[In The News.] Cyberstalkers beware: New toolkit nabs online predators.

Researchers at Florida State University are developing a computer system designed to help law enforcement agents thwart cyberstalking.

Computer science Professor Sudhir Aggarwal and members of the Florida Cybersecurity Institute have built a hardware and software prototype called the Predator and Prey Alert (PAPA) system. The forensic toolkit is designed to provide high-quality evidence for the prosecution of cyberstalking cases.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/06/2006 09:03:00 PM

[Off Topic.] Rent My Blog vol. 3

This week's blog is Kitchen Fun with Donna and Friends, a well put together blog of recipes. I love to cook but lack in the area of recipes. You can find a recipe of just about anything on here, from salads to gravy, appetizers to a main course. First thing I noticed about the blog is how warm and inviting it is. Please check it out.

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/06/2006 01:26:00 PM

January 04, 2006

[My Story.] Maybe I should marry a cop. ;)

Still nothing. I don't know if I should be happy or scared about this. There's been no activity good or bad.

I've been getting calls recently from New Jersey. I don't know anybody in Jersey. They don't leave any messages, but I get a few calls from them a day. The number shows up, the name says "New Jersey" so, I'm not sure if that's just them taking advantage of my phone service that forces "unavailables" to enter in information, or they're unavailable and my caller ID is just picking up the area code and listing the state. Did that make any sense?

I Googled the phone number to see if it was a business, for whatever reason a business in NJ would be calling, and it showed it as a residential number. Tried White Pages as well, with no luck. Maybe I'll get my calling card and call it. When I use my calling card, it shows the business number of my calling card, and not *My* number, which comes in handy once in awhile, such as now.

No news about the ex. I'm sure he's still in the state. I'm still in the process of trying to get out. My car's broken yet again. Every time I get ready to leave, my car breaks. My resolution: By February if I'm not out of here, I'm taking a Greyhound.

The other day, I went to the store, late at night in hopes I wouldn't have to deal with people. I noticed a couple of guys standing at the front of the store, and noticed that they noticed me.

I went about with my shopping, went to the self-checkout, and the two guys moved from their previous location to stand in the closed aisle next to me, to my back, closer to the exit. They stood in idle chit-chat while I rang myself out. I made my way to the exit and put my cart away when they motioned to leave, as well.

I stop for a split second. That's all it took for my instincts to kick in. Maybe I was spooked for no reason, maybe it was just a coincidence. I wasn't putting my safety on the line for a "Maybe".

I left my groceries in the cart and bee-lined for the nearest employees. It was late, dark. I asked if they could escort me out, which they gladly obliged.

The two guys stood outside the exit, watching me as I drove off.

Posted by IdentityMIA to My Story. at 1/04/2006 10:54:00 PM

January 01, 2006

[In The News.] Microsoft reveals 'severe' security flaw in Windows.

A previously unknown flaw in Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system is leaving computer users vulnerable to spyware, viruses and other programs that could overtake their machines and has sent the company scrambling to come up with a fix.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/01/2006 02:09:00 PM

[In The News.] Beware skeletons in Web closets.

OTTAWA — Bloggers cannibalizing one of their own by exposing the offensive Internet musings of a Liberal Party executive during a contentious federal election campaign should be a lesson to politicians and parties alike, says one expert.

What's written in the far, dark reaches of cyberspace is often more permanent — and damaging — than you think.
Read more at Here.

Posted by IdentityMIA to In The News. at 1/01/2006 02:07:00 PM

Notable Links
Blog of the week.
For Your Entertainment
A hilarious blog. Pithy comments on random photos.
The blog of a "47 year old shrinking Italian comedian." I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.
Help, I can't find the bun! This one has to be my favorite. A fictional blog of a woman's trials and triumphs of trying to become pregnant. Very, very funny.
Random Statements
"Bite Sized Pieces Of My Brain. Served Up Piping Hot, (Or Dreadfully Frozen), Daily! :)" I love this blog. The name says it all.