January 11, 2006

[Off Topic.] Blogitis.

Well, I know I'm not very good at this whole keeping the blog updated regularly thing, as I'm sure all of you are well aware of. My excuse -- Nothing's going on with the whole stalking/harassing/privacy stuff, so I have nothing to write about. I hate going off-topic. Plus, I've been trying to keep my *Real* (Everything not involved with stalking/harassment/privacy) life separate from this blog. Nonetheless, I figure I can throw a bone here and there when content is slacking.

I've been sick a lot lately, more than my fair share of "Itises". I'm so sick of hearing the doctor say a word that ends with that. I had bronchitis and tonsillitis a little bit ago. And now, now I have gastritis. Fantastic. Something about Helicobacter Pylori and "Possible peptic ulcer" and some other medical jargon that I've learned to ignore until I get home and online.

I have an appointment for an upper GI next week. Let me tell you, I am not looking forward to it. I've had one when I was younger. Oy.

On a better, non-health related note, and as non-mushy as I can get here, I've got two amazing people in my life. I don't know what I'd do without either of them.

L, who I've mentioned briefly before, has been my best friend for a couple of years. She's been my objective conscious through everything when I felt I was losing my mind. She's always been there when I needed a good, hard swift kick to the head. :)

B has drastically changed my opinion on men, and has given me new hope on humanity, on love, on everything. I can't believe I've found an honest-to-good *Real* man, as opposed to every other psycho I've met before him. He means so much to me, and I'm still in shock he's wiggled his way into my heart so quick. :)

What is it people blog about when they're trying to hide who they are? Not that I'm hiding who I am here. Just, I'd rather not make this too personal. I just feel stupid when I go into a banter while trying to omit details so I (IdentityMIA) can't be connected to who I really am.

I'm grateful things are slow, and I have no real content to post.

My advice -- Even though the net is a horribly dreadful thing that everyone should abandon, every once in awhile you meet one person that makes all the pain worth it. Don't quite throw your computer out the window just yet. ;)

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/11/2006 03:30:00 AM

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