January 06, 2006

[Off Topic.] Rent My Blog vol. 3

This week's blog is Kitchen Fun with Donna and Friends, a well put together blog of recipes. I love to cook but lack in the area of recipes. You can find a recipe of just about anything on here, from salads to gravy, appetizers to a main course. First thing I noticed about the blog is how warm and inviting it is. Please check it out.

Posted by IdentityMIA to Off Topic. at 1/06/2006 01:26:00 PM

Notable Links
Blog of the week.
For Your Entertainment
A hilarious blog. Pithy comments on random photos.
The blog of a "47 year old shrinking Italian comedian." I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.
Help, I can't find the bun! This one has to be my favorite. A fictional blog of a woman's trials and triumphs of trying to become pregnant. Very, very funny.
Random Statements
"Bite Sized Pieces Of My Brain. Served Up Piping Hot, (Or Dreadfully Frozen), Daily! :)" I love this blog. The name says it all.